Building a Strong Foundation

Building a Strong Foundation: Project Infrastructure
We all know that a house needs to be built on a solid foundation, but somehow we end up not applying that same principle to the applications that we write. I've worked on and audited many different Next.js and React applications, and I can see when developers really care about maintaining the quality of their code and their project. Your project infrastructure is the foundation of your house, and professional developers build from a strong foundation.
A Template for Success
To help guide you through the process, a project infrastructure template is provided in the course materials to help guide you through the process. This template is a Markdown file with a full set of questions and things to consider for different parts of your project's infrastructure. Use it as a roadmap to help you and your team decide on the best approach for your specific needs.
The template covers a wide range of topics, including developer setup, project structure, code quality standards, and more!
Using the Template
The project infrastructure template is meant to be used together with the video lessons and examples in this section. As you watch the videos and learn about different infrastructure topics, refer back to the template and answer the questions that apply to your project. This will help you understand the concepts better and make specific decisions about your setup.
You are encouraged to actively engage with the template. Don't just copy and paste; take the time to discuss the questions with your team, research the linked technologies, and customize the template to fit your specific project requirements. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution for project infrastructure, so use this as a starting point and adapt it to your unique needs.
A Continuously Evolving Resource
The project infrastructure template will evolve along with your project. We are committed to continuously improving this resource by adding more video content, refining the questions, and incorporating feedback from users like you.
So, explore the current version of the template, start building your solid foundation, and stay tuned for future updates as we continue to expand and enhance this valuable tool!