
    Where Should I Put My Components In The App Router?

    Jack HerringtonJack Herrington

    Q: Where should I put my components in the App Router?

    A: It is a good idea to keep your component files small, and that means having a lot of component files around, which can certainly cause a bunch of headaches around file management. There are a bunch of different options:

    • Directly within the route directory - For small projects putting the components used in the page.tsx file in the same directory as the page.tsx file itself would be a reasonable option. The app router ignores files other than page.*, route.*, loader.*, error.*, etc. So putting them in the same directory isn't hurting anything.
    • Inside a "components" directory - In the example projects provided by Vercel they use app/components directory to hold the component files.
    • Inside a hidden directory - You can also create a sub-directory prefixed with and underscore, for example _components. The App Router will ignore this directory for routing purposes.
    • Inside a "route group" directory - Another option is to specify a route group directory like (components). Route groups are a way to organize sets of routes that are actually located on route above the directory. For example app/(marketing)/about/page.tsx would serve off of /about. I used to use this (components) technique but I've moved to using _components instead because I think (components) is a misuse of the route groups functionality.
    • In another directory altogether - If your app directory is at the top level of the project then you can make a peer directory called src and within that components and you can locate your components there. If you chose to put app within a src directory when you created the application you could put your components in src/components as well.

    I tend to use a combination of techniques. I put truly global components, like "design system components" in src/components. Then when I have per-route components I put them in a _components directory within the same route directory. I may even have multiple component directories with names like _cartComponents and _headerCompenents.

    There are a lot of ways to organize your components and I don't think the community has yet arrived on a "best practice". But that being said, if you tend to organize your components like this:

    + MyComponent
     |--- index.tsx
     |--- styles.module.css
     |--- tests.ts

    Which is a common practice on larger projcets then I would strongly recommend either going with src/components or app/_components because you are going to have a lot of directories.

    Personally I hate this pattern because you have a ton of files with the same name only distinguished by directory. But now we have page.tsx and route.tsx so I guess I'll have to get used to figuring out a good workflow to find the page.tsx or route.tsx that I'm looking for easily.

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