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    ProNextJS Home Page

    Jack HerringtonJack Herrington


    The Pro Next.js course exists to level up your skills with the Next.js App Writer. With each tutorial, we'll be building up your skill set. Starting in the first tutorial, we'll go through all the fundamentals of Next.js development. That would be React server components, client components, routing, and caching. And we'll be deploying an example application at each step along the way.

    So you always know how to deploy an app and we'll be learning not just how it works, but also why it works that way. So you have a really solid grounding in the Next.js App Writer. Continuing on from there, we'll dive deep into CSS and the styling because it's really important to get that right from the start when you're building a high performance website. So we'll go into detail on styling fundamentals and the different ways of handling and defining CSS in your app. And then we'll cover a bunch of different component libraries and see how they work in the App Writer context.

    Next up, we'll get into architecting your app. I've gotten so many questions about where to put your components, how to name your components, how to test your application, how to share components and use tooling like Monorepos and Storybook and how to use advanced concepts like Lego components. You'll get all that and more in this tutorial. And of course you'll get the code as well as a Markdown worksheet where you can track all of these architectural decision points with your team. The fourth tutorial is dedicated to React server components because they are the central focus of the app router and it is so important to understand how to use them properly to get data into your application.

    That includes caching which we'll dive deep into. Then we'll talk about all of the ways to manage the front-end, back-end architecture and to leverage server actions, REST endpoints, gRPC, tRPC, GraphQL, all with authorization of course. Then we'll get into streaming and suspense so you can make full use of the power of Next.js. And then we'll wrap up with some content that you will find exactly nowhere else, cacheable server actions, which even if you don't use them, will teach you the core mechanics of server actions at a very deep level. By the end of this course, you'll know every gotcha and pitfall of Next.js.

    And you'll know in-depth all of the power features of Next.js so you'll be able to leverage those at work or in your own projects. Let's dive in and turn you into a pro Next.js developer.